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Sleep Tips

Written By Luthfie fadhillah on Friday, March 18, 2011 | 6:55 AM

 It's important to make an overall commitment to healthy, restorative sleep. Here are some tips from the Better Sleep Council for maintaining a healthy sleep cycle and ensuring the best night's rest:

   1. Make sleep a priority by keeping a consistent sleep (bedtime) and wake schedule, including weekends

   2. Create a bedtime routine that is relaxing. Experts recommend reading a book, listening to soothing music or soaking in a hot bath.

   3. Transform your bedroom into a haven of comfort. Create a room that is dark, quiet, comfortable and cool for the best possible sleep.

   4. Evaluate your mattress and pillow to ensure proper comfort and support. If your mattress is five to seven years old, it may be time for a new one. In general, pillows should be replaced every year.

   5. Keep work materials, computers and televisions out of the bedroom; it should be used for sleep and sex only.

   6. Exercise regularly, but complete workouts at least two hours before bedtime.

   7. If you sleep with a partner, your mattress should allow each of you enough space to move easily.
Couples who've been sleeping on a "double" (full size) may think they have enough room, until they learn that each person has only as much sleeping space as a baby's crib!

   8. Avoid nicotine (e.g., cigarettes, tobacco products). Used close to bedtime, it can lead to poor sleep.

   9. Avoid caffeine and alcohol (e.g., coffee, tea, soft drinks, chocolate) close to bedtime. It can keep you

  10. Finish eating at least two to three hours before bedtime.
6:55 AM | 0 komentar | Read More

Get Your Daily Dose

Colds and the flu can be passed quickly from person to person, so it’s important to keep your immune system as healthy as possible. Getting quality sleep, eating a healthy diet and being physically active help prepare your body for warding off potential viruses and bacteria you may encounter. Here are some tips from the BSC and Dr. Douglas MacKay, N.D., Council for Responsible Nutrition (CRN), to keep your immune system healthy:

    * Get 7.5 hours of quality sleep. Sleep is our body’s natural restoration process. Make sleep a priority by keeping a consistent sleep (bedtime) and wake schedule, including weekends. And be sure to choose the right mattress for your needs—a quality, comfortable, supportive and right size mattress is key to healthy sleep. Experts recommend that you evaluate your mattress annually, and consider replacing it every five to seven years for the best sleep comfort and quality support.
    * Drink at least six to eight glasses of water daily. The sinus, throat and lungs are all equipped with immune functions that can stop bacteria and viruses in their tracks. Well hydrated tissues help this function, while dehydrated tissues can make you more at risk for illness.
    * Exercise regularly. Exercise conditions the body and helps support a health immune system. Try to complete workouts at least two hours before bedtime to avoid restlessness at night.

    * Eat a well-balanced diet. Be sure to get your daily five to nine servings of fruits and vegetables, which are loaded with important nutrients and antioxidants to keep you healthy.

    * Supplement your diet. Vitamins and other dietary supplements are good for your overall well-being. Before taking any supplements, be sure to consult your healthcare professional and always follow label directions. According to CRN, certain supplements may help promote a healthy immune system:
          o Take a daily multivitamin. Falling short of essential nutrients can weaken your immune system. A daily multivitamin is a good insurance policy to ensure you’re getting all of the nutrients you need!
          o Get your sunshine vitamin (vitamin D). As the day light hours get shorter, there is less sunlight and the body produces less vitamin D. Studies have shown that lower levels of vitamin D are associated with an increased risk for respiratory infections. Since getting enough vitamin D from food alone can be difficult, many experts recommend that people consider a vitamin D supplement.
          o Some research suggests that botanicals such as Echinacea and elderberry support immune function and may be beneficial for cold and flu. Specific vitamins and minerals have also been shown to support immune functions, such as vitamin C and zinc.

For more information and additional tips to help guard your health, visit the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) at If you suspect you have a cold or the flu, talk to your doctor or a healthcare professional.
6:53 AM | 0 komentar | Read More

Insomnia Cause Death

Written By Luthfie fadhillah on Saturday, March 12, 2011 | 2:29 AM

There have been many accidents and health problems due to sleep disorders. Research on mice in the laboratory that continually forced to get up eventually die within two weeks. However, did not sleep in humans also lead to death?

According to medical records, the longest human survive without sleep is 11 days. That is evidenced by Randy Gardner, teens 17 years in 1967 continued to get up for 11 days for a competency dance. Over the past does not sleep he does not suffer pain and still be able to follow the competition. Finished the competition, he then slept for 14 hours and recovered his strength back as usual.

However, the example is a lack of sleep, which is very different from insomnia. "It is not unusual when someone can not sleep for several days because of insomnia," said Dr. Michael Thorpy of Sleep-Wake Disorder Center, USA.

Indeed there is a very rare case of insomnia, which is caused by genetic factors, that is fatal familial insomnia (FFI). The interference experienced only 40 families worldwide.

As a result of FFI, a person will suffer from panic attacks, hallucinations, decreased body weight, demenisa, and sometimes death. Sleep disturbance causes impairment of nerve function in the brain. FFI usually occurs in people of middle age and ends with death during the period of one or two years.

Thorpy explained, in most people, chronic insomnia is not directly cause death. However, lack of sleep can lead to serious health problems that increase the risk of death.

"Sleeping less than seven hours per day associated with declining cognitive function, especially loss of concentration, impaired memory, and koornidasi hands and eyes," said Thorpy.

The study also showed that people who suffer from insomnia more at risk of depression and anxiety. Insomnia is also associated with risk of heart disease and hypertension, obesity, diabetes, breast cancer, and headaches. That is why, people who suffer from insomnia must get a doctor's treatment.
2:29 AM | 0 komentar | Read More

Asleep in Phase Four

What exactly causes trouble sleeping? Pressure in the work, and conflict in relationships, making the mind does not stop working. The brain then raging, between wanting to sleep and drive out the problem. Sleep also need a skill that must be built from within, not just close my eyes grudgingly.
Make sure there is no work left Little things like not reply to SMS or e-mail can sometimes be distracting. Before you sleep make sure all the affairs of the day was over so you can be more relaxed.
If you do not have time to do homework is left, write on a piece of scrap, to be continued tomorrow. At least you feel more calm because there are reminders that the job could not be neglected.
Do not be too dependent on alarm Alarms are only used to indicate the time when to sleep and when to wake up in the morning. Do not be too dependent with alarm by setting the time between two time earlier. This will only make sleep disturbed, even if you intend on guard so as not to oversleep for example.
Also avoid other interference before bedtime, such as watching television or listening to music. If the time for bed make sure no other activities that disturb you.
Calm mind Calming the mind is very important, but it was rather difficult. Instruct your mind to not worry about anything that will do the next day. Because they meet the next day thinking about activities at bedtime, will only hurt yourself. Instruct yourself to understand this.
The experts recommend to avoid stimulants such as caffeine, nicotine, and alcohol six hours prior to wakti sleep. These types of drinks can make the mind awake and reduce the hours of sleep that you have set previously.
Create image imagination Select a picture imagination that makes you feel calm. Indeed it will make you think, not what the origin is not excessive. Focus on color, shape, and slow motion of this imagery. If it goes well, this picture will hypnotize you to fall asleep.
Should not include elements that stimulate the emotions, such as ex-girlfriend for example. These figures will only disturb the mind and provoke emotion.
2:28 AM | 0 komentar | Read More

Understanding the Meaning of Dreams

Sigmund Freud has long seen the importance of dreams, namely as a way to get into our subconscious. From the dreams that many desire, fear, feelings that do not want to be recognized can be analyzed.

Meanwhile, another theory states that dreams are the flower bed alias part of the sleep cycle. Dreams often occur at a phase of rapid eye movement sleep (REM). In this phase of sleep, some brain function would be rested, while other areas remain active. Experts support this theory states, the dream serves replenish brain chemicals, such as neurotransmitters.

Deirdre Barrett, a psychologist from Harvard University, recently submitted his theory about the meaning of dreams in people's lives. According to him, the main purpose of dreams is the search for solutions to the problems that interfere with human when awake.

"Dreams have a high visual level, even logically so that it can be categorized as a thought that 'out of the box' that is needed to solve the problem," he explained in a discussion in the event the Association for Psychological Science.

According to him, dreams are a form of thinking, but in contrast to when our eyes open. "Whatever it is, whether consciously or sleep time, we are still working on the same problem. Dreams helps our brains to find solutions," he said.

He also linked the dream with the theory of evolution. According to him, all the things that survived so long in the history of evolution, such as REM sleep, must have important functions. REM sleep phase itself has been around since millions of years ago, since the evolution of mammals 220 million years ago.
2:27 AM | 0 komentar | Read More

Losses due to our top 10 Sleep Deprivation

Here are 10 surprising things that happen due to lack of sleep:

1. Accidents Sleep deprivation is one of the biggest disasters in the history of factors other than nuclear accidents at Three Mile Island in 1979, the biggest oil spill Exxon Valdez, Chernobyl nuclear crisis in 1986, and others.

Sounds excessive, but you must realize lack of sleep also affects your safety every day on the road. Drowsiness can slow down your time driving, which is equivalent when you are drunk while driving.

A study conducted Safety Institute National Highway Traffic Americans showed that fatigue is a cause 100,000 car accidents and 1,500 deaths a year in the U.S.. The victim was a person under the age of 25 years. The same study shows, if you lack sleep or have a low sleep quality, then it can cause accidents and injuries at work. In one study, workers who complain of excessive sleepiness during the day are vulnerable injured at work and constantly experience the same accident at work.

2. Decreased concentration of good sleep plays an important role in thinking and learning. Lack of sleep can affect many things. First, interfering with alertness, concentration, reasoning, and problem-solving. This makes learning difficult and inefficient. Secondly, the sleep cycle at night play a role in "strengthening" the memory in mind. If not enough sleep, then you will not be able to remember what you learned and experienced during the day.

3. Serious health problems sleep disorders and chronic stages of sleep deprivation can lead you to the risk:

* Heart disease * Heart attack * Heart failure * irregular heartbeat * high blood pressure * Stroke * Diabetes According to some studies, 90 percent of people with insomnia, sleep disorder characterized by trouble falling asleep and stay awake all night-are also experiencing similar health risks.

4. Decreased sex drive experts report, lack of sleep in men and women reduce libido and sexual drive. This is due to depleted energy, drowsiness, and rising tension.

For men who suffer from sleep apnea (breathing problems during sleep disturbing) lack of sleep cause sexual arousal sluggish. A study published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism in 2002 showed, almost all people who suffer from sleep apnea have lower testosterone levels. Nearly half of people who suffer from severe sleep apnea have a low testosterone level at night.

5. It causes depression In a 1997 study, researchers from the University of Pennsylvania reported that people who sleep less than 5 hours per day for seven days led to stress, anger, sadness, and mental fatigue. In addition, lack of sleep and sleep disorders can cause symptoms of depression. The most common sleep disorder is insomnia, which has strong links with depression. In a study in 2007 involving 10,000 people revealed that people with insomnia 5 times more prone to depression. In fact, insomnia is often one of the first symptoms of depression. Insomnia and no appetite due to depression are related. Sleep deprivation exacerbates symptoms of depression and depression makes you more difficult to sleep. On the positive side, a good sleep pattern can help treat depression.

6. Affect the health of skin Most people have pale skin and puffy eyes after a night of sleep deprivation. The situation is completely due to a chronic lack of sleep can lead to dull skin, fine lines on the face, and dark circles under the eyes. If you are not getting enough sleep, your body release more stress hormones or cortisol. In excessive amounts, cortisol can break down skin collagen or proteins that make the skin smooth and elastic. Lack of sleep also can cause the body to release less growth hormone. When we were young, human growth hormones to encourage growth. In this case, these hormones help increase muscle mass, skin thicken, and strengthen bones. "This occurs when the body is sleeping soundly-which we call slow wave sleep (SWS)-growth hormone is released," said Phil Gehrman, PhD, CBSM, Assistant Professor of Psychiatry and Clinical Director of Behavioral Sleep Medicine Program University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia.

7. Forgetful Not wanting to forget the best memories in your life? Try to multiply sleep. In 2009, researchers from America and France found that brain events are called sharp wave ripples is responsible for strengthening the memory in the brain. This event also transfer information from the hippocampus to the neocortex in the brain, where long-term memories are stored. Sharp wave ripples occur mostly during sleep.

8. Body to be "stretched" If you ignore the effects of sleep deprivation, so be prepared with the threat of being overweight. Sleep deprivation is associated with increased hunger and appetite, and likely to become obese. According to a 2004 study, nearly 30 percent of the people who sleep less than six hours a day tend to be fatter than those who slept seven to nine hours a day. Recent research has focused on the relationship between sleep and peptides that regulate appetite. Ghrelin stimulates hunger and leptin signals satiety to the brain and stimulates the appetite. Short sleep time is associated with decreased leptin and an increase in ghrelin. Lack of sleep not only stimulates the appetite. It also stimulates the desire to eat fatty foods and foods high in carbohydrates. Ongoing research conducted to investigate whether adequate sleep should be part of the standard weight-loss program. 9. Increase the risk of death in Whitehall to-2 study, British researchers discover how sleep patterns affect mortality rate of more than 10,000 British civil servants over the past two decades. Based on research published in 2007, those who have been sleeping less than 5-7 hours a day increased the risk of death due to various factors. Even the lack of sleep increased two-fold risk of death from cardiovascular disease. 10. Particularly damaging assessment of sleep Lack of sleep can affect the interpretation of events. State's limp body to make we can not judge the situation accurately and wisely. You who sleep less are particularly vulnerable to bad judgments when it comes time to assess what is lacking of something.
2:25 AM | 0 komentar | Read More

Less than Five Hours Sleep Heart GER

If the quantity is less than five hours sleep a day, including naps, will increase the risk of suffering from angina, coronary heart disease, heart attack, and stroke.

Research was conducted Karin Zeitvogel in the Faculty of Medicine, West Virginia University and is written in the journal "Sleep"-published by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM) and the Sleep Research Society, the Sunday edition (eighth) in Washington, USA.

Karin says, the biggest risk is the age group under 60 years old who slept five hours or less a night. They are at risk of developing cardiovascular disease are three times more than those who slept seven hours.

David Dinges, chief of Sleep and Khronobiologi Unit at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania found, 142 adults with very limited sleep for five days, slower to react and difficult to focus.
2:24 AM | 0 komentar | Read More Techie Blogger